Sponsorship Application
Please provide the following information to apply for sponsorship or vendor space at the ABCA’s 32nd Annual Convention in Las Vegas, NV June 27-30th2013.
Host hotel will be Riviera Hotel and Casino. Sponsorship is limited and will be assigned on a first come first serve basis
School Name_________________________________________________________________
Contact Name: _______________________________Title______________________________
Phone_____________________ Office Fax________________ Email______________________________
Cell Phone___________________
_____ I would like to sponsor the ___________________ in the amount of $________
_____ I would like to be a gold / silver / bronze sponsor.
Vendor Tables:
Please reserve __________ (number) vendor tables for me in the vendor area of the ABCA’s annual convention at the following cost of $350/table.
Note to Vendors: All tables will be covered and skirted, no need to bring your own table covers. Vendors may set up tables anytime after 7 AM Friday morning. The majority of convention traffic will occur on Friday and Saturday.
Payment enclosed ( ) Money Order ( ) Check ( ) Credit Card Total:___________
Credit Card #______________________ Card Type________ Exp. Date _______
Signature_____________________________________ Date__________________
The ABCA is a registered non-profit organization. Our tax i.d. is 43-1250320.
Registration form and payment should be mailed to:
ABCA Treasurer
P.O. BOX 631725
Irving, TX 75063