Doctor Member Benefits:
Take a Stance with Your Vote:
Allow your voice to be heard with voting privileges with your paid annual membership. The ABCA will hold its annual General Body Meeting where topics regarding the focus of the organization and its leaders are discussed and voted on. Be a part of the movement!
Membership in the Foundation for Chiropractic Progress (F4CP):
All ABCA & SABCA members enjoy membership benefits of the F4CP at no additional cost.
Benefits include:
- Listing in the F4CP’s National Find-A-Doctor Directory, which generates 10k patient visits per month
- Complimentary listings in WebMD, and American Academy of Spine Physicians’ Doctor Directories, with millions of combined views each month
- Access to white papers and eBooks to help promote chiropractic in the community
- Live, Monthly Practice Progress Webinars for DCs
- Live, Monthly Pump Up Your Progress Webinars for CAs
- TV and Radio Public Service Announcements (PSAs)
- Community trifold brochures on varying topics
Social Media Networking:
The ABCA has a very active social media presence on Facebook, IG, LinkedIn, and X. In today’s digital world, the quickest way to network with colleagues or to share and obtain information is through social media. With currently over 600 members in our closed group, you’re sure to find what you need with a tap of the keyboard.
1st – 2nd YR DC Members Benefits:
- 3-Month Complimentary Membership to E.D.I. Program (EVOKE Developmental Institute): A membership-based community that supports students and doctors through coaching and management to help them in creating the practice they envision. This is through membership and fellowship. Membership includes monthly Mindset Mastery Call and Prosperity Forum.
- Kairos Business Mastery Screening Program: Kairos Business Mastery Screening Program is offered for free and 50% Off Kairos Training Culture Adjusting Training Programs.
- Semi-Annual seminars hosted by Cannon Chiropractic & The Chiro Place.
- Mentor Pairing Program and group shadowing with participating DC’s in our member database.
Student Member Benefits:
- Annual Scholarships: Student members are eligible to apply for and receive any of our annual scholarships with their paid membership. Scholarships are awarded at our Harvey Lillard Banquet during our annual national convention.
- Free 1 Year DC Membership Post-Graduation: Student American Black Chiropractic Association members will be granted their first year of membership as a Doctor of Chiropractic free once they graduate. That free year will also include CEUs should the new DC need them.
- Mentors: Students who join the ABCA have access to our national database of Doctor Members to use as Mentors while they are in school and post-graduation. Mentorships are vital to the student’s transition from the classroom into the clinic (school clinic or private practice). We urge all of our students to benefit from the years of knowledge that our Doctors can offer.
- National Board Exam reviews/webinars and study materials: National board resources are available for all members on our membership website in the Community here. Board reviews coincide with NBCE test dates. Reviews are typically offered 1 month before that part is being offered. The Board Review committee offers a virtual review of Parts I and 2 and a face to face or virtual review of Part 3 at the National Conference.