Please fill out this form to submit nominations for listed positions. Any active/dues paying member may submit the form to make a nomination. Those nominated will be notified by the Elections Committee of their nomination in order to obtain an acceptance or decline for the said nomination. The current Executive Board reserves the right to deny a nomination based on the general requirements set forth for each position as outlined in the organizational Constitution.
The deadline for submission of this form is June 1, 2024. A member of the Elections Committee will confirm via phone or email that all nominees accept the nomination. After the nomination deadline, the only additional opportunity to nominate someone will be taken from the floor during the first Plenary Session of the National Convention on June 28, 2024. Please note that only dues-paid members are eligible to submit nominations, and a member should know beforehand if the person he or she wishes to nominate is both eligible and willing to serve. Voting instructions and ballots will be sent electronically to all dues paid members during the National Convention on June 29, 2024. Those winning the majority vote will be sworn in during the scholarship banquet at the succession of the National Convention on June 29, 2024.
ABCA National Officer Nomination Form